Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Moving Mountains

Last night in the snow and windchill of -35, my girlfriend Kari got her car stuck in the snow after our Bible Study. There are no coincidences with God, but the neat thing was, the study was mainly about us seeing so little because we believe so little. God wants us to come to Him with our requests and BELIEVE that He will take care of things, not always how we expect, but He will. We have to BELIEVE that our 'mountains' will be moved. Anyways, back to Kari, her car was extremely stuck. While my first thought was to call one of our husbands, another friend wasn't worried. She just started digging snow out from under the tires with her hands! I am such a whimp! I just stared in amazement! She got in the car and rocked it back and forth going in reverse and drive over and over. I helped dig some but mostly was the cheerleader and prayer warrior. With all 4 of us ladies digging, driving, pushing, cheering and praying, we got Kari's car out of the muddy snow drift!!!! I was so proud of God I almost had to cry!!!! Then I realized my ears and fingers had frostbite. I have never experienced such pain to my ears and fingertips! I thought my ears were going to break off of my head. Crazy!!!! I tell you, sometimes I think we moved to the Arctic.

So, my mountain today, God, is for there to be heat in my house when I get home from school. Waking up to a 55degree house makes me a little grumpy. It makes my kids grumpy too. I wanted to stay under my electric blanket all day. But here I am at school with sore fingers and ears. Guess some days you just have to be a soldier. My 6 kids that are at school today are in PE now. They'll be back soon and we can be soldiers together. :) Earning green and shiny stars.

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