Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Letter to my Teenager

This is a letter I wrote to my sweet teenager who, is I'm sure using up all the hot water right now so my morning shower will be nice and cool. grrr....But, I do love her so much and my heart has been aching for her lately.

Dear Kate,
I know how frustrated you are right now. I know too well in fact. I feel like I am watching myself.
Not only are you discouraged with math, but you are dealing with weird emotions that come from who knows where. The world is such a mean place and I know now that I can only protect you from it so much. I just want you to remember and dwell on these things: God is for you (Romans 8:31) Since God is on your side, you have no reason to fear (Psalm 27:1) God calls you His child (Galations 4:6) and your Daddy loves you. You've been uniquely gifted and you are needed, at this place and time. (1Cor. 12) God loves the way He made you. You reflect Him. (Genesis 1:27)
When you say things like, "I'm horrible," or "I'm so stupid in math." It doesn't line up with God's truth. Refuse to believe them. Turn away from them. Replace them with truth!
Remember, "I can do all things through Christ who Gives me strength!"
You, my love, are more precious to me than any jewel I could ever lay eyes on. I love you and pray that today during your tests, in class and in life, you will experience peace and comfort that is undeniably from your Father. Let Him love on you.

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