Sunday, June 12, 2011

Teens and Texting

Teenagers who send or receive more than 120 messages on school days are known to researchers as hyper-texters. These kids are:
40% more likely to have tried alcohol
43% more likely to be binge drinkers
41% more likely to have used illicit drugs
55% more likely to have been in a physical fight
3 times more likely to have had sex
90% more likely to report four or more sexual partners

Teens that spend more than three hours per day on social networking sites reflect similar statistics. Lead study author Scott Frank, MD, MS, says, "This should be a wake-up call to parents to not only help their children stay safe by not texting and driving, but by discouraging excessive use of cell phone or social websites in general.

Source: American Public Health Association
Taken from Living With Teenagers a Christian Parenting Magazine

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