Saturday, May 14, 2011


Time flies when you're havin' fun! So much to tell about since my last post! I have failed tremendously on my goal to blog more! Oh well, PRIORITIES. :)

I am proud to say that I will be teaching in Canyon ISD next school year. Oh what an experience this year has been. I have learned what I am REALLY capable of in the classroom. While it's been my toughest year teaching, it's been my most rewarding! I have seen my little first graders achieve, and achieve, and achieve. They make me proud. I have never seen a group of students like these guys. Wildorado is a wonderful little community. It's a shame that the teachers can't be appreciated more financially. I would have loved to stay if I could have been provided a strong curriculum and a raise comparable to what Canyon pays their teachers.

In April we celebrated Kate's 13th Birthday! I have a teenager. I have a teenager. I have a.... no really. Her door that used to be open is now most the time closed. She loves texting, when she's not grounded from her phone. :) She is beautiful beyond description. She is fearfully and wonderfully made. Even at 13.

Today we are celebrating Alyse's 4th Birthday! I can't believe how fast time flies! We've already turned our calendar 4 times!!! MAY??? Really?

I have held pretty good to my scripture memorization... but for now.... it's time for me to fly to Lubbock for a day with my mama and a precious 4 year old's Birthday party!

"Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing (NOTHING!) is too hard for you." Jeremiah 32:17

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