Friday, August 5, 2011

SO. DaRN. TirEd. and beginning to get DiZzZY

This is it...the time of year when my wheels just won't stop! I work all day in my classroom, shop for my classroom, eat, drink, Why oh why do I do this every year? It always works out! Tadd and I have gone to bed at the same time every night this week but I lay there long after he doses off (usually its the other way around) and think of what all needs to be done. When really all that matters is that my new kids coming into my classroom love the first day. They could care less about all my endless worrying about who's gonna be star of the week? when? what classroom jobs do I need? what worked last year and what didn't? Oh yeah and lets not forget those 50million WONDERFUL ideas I saw on fancy nancy best teacher in the worlds blog... who has the time??? Between feeding 5 hungry people, washing all of our laundry, folding and putting away, feeding again, cleaning up, driving, delivering, picking up, feeding again, bathing my 4 yr old, reading bedtime stories, laying in bed talking about the events of our wonderful day, (And thats not sarcastic...I do LOVE my days with my growing up way toooo fast babies.) No wonder the only time I can have somewhat organized thoughts is at 2 a.m. Maybe I should go fix some coffee. :) Call me in October. Here is where the crazy begins.

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